Home Culture Three Retail Giants to Sell American Cannabis Company Products Online

Three Retail Giants to Sell American Cannabis Company Products Online


The American Cannabis Company has closed a deal with 3 major retailers to sell two of their brands online. ACC’s SoHum Living Soils potting soil and Dr. Marijane Root Probiotic soil additive will soon be available for order online from Walmart, Amazon and Home Depot. While the products can be used for growing things other than cannabis plants, the company’s name shows an obvious targeting strategy when it comes the burgeoning legal marijuana industry.

“ACC is excited to have the opportunity to offer our products online through these major retailers. We are especially excited to be selling our proprietary SoHum Living Soils® potting mix through these online channels, as we have spent years perfecting our blend, and fine-tuning the messaging around the brand itself,” Terry Buffalo, the CEO of American Cannabis Company, said in a statement. “This fully amended, pH-buffered potting mix will continue to disrupt the agricultural markets as a ‘Just Add Water’ super soil that acts to eliminate the human error element from cannabis and non-cannabis crop cultivation. We are also proud to be offering Dr. Marijane Root Probiotic on these online platforms. This root probiotic is packed with all the beneficial microbes you need to awaken the nutrients in your soil or soil-less (hydroponic) medium. ACC will continue to evaluate other online sales platform opportunities as they present themselves. We are committed to getting our products out in the market and into the hands of the cultivators who can truly benefit from these solutions that we provide.”

The products themselves are manufactured by Earth Alive Clean Technologies. That company’s CEO, Michael Warren, commented: “ACC has taken a leadership position in this new industry, and we are thrilled to be partners with them as we benefit from their vast experience and innovative approach.”

While we are obviously not yet at a point where major retailers are selling actual cannabis online (and that day may never come), this is a major step toward the normalization of cannabis products in the legal marketplace. A cannabis grower being able to log on to their Amazon account and buy products specifically designed to help them grow cannabis plants is a milestone with significance that cannot be overstated.

News like this can only serve to accelerate the integration of the cannabis industry into the retail marketplace. No doubt there is still a long way to go in that process, but it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that things are moving much faster than many people who cover the cannabis community anticipated.