Home Medical “Wana Caps” Slow-Release Cannabis Capsules

“Wana Caps” Slow-Release Cannabis Capsules


Colorado’s leading manufacturer of infused edibles, Wana, has just closed the gap between marijuana and what most would consider to be “medicine”. While it has been proven time and time again that marijuana has medicinal values it has been up for debate on what the proper way to administer this medicine really is.

After all, smoking any type of plant (such as tobacco for example) can be harmful to your body in one way or another. Two of the most common ways to get around inhale potentially harmful smoke has been the option of THC infused edibles and vaporizers.

While both are wonderful at what they do – delivering the cannabinoids in a far less harmful manner – it was still not quite what people were looking for (or expecting) in a medical treatment.

However Wana Brand has recently created and begun testing the first ever time-released cannabis capsules. Rather than providing the patient with a rush of relief that will likely only last a few hours at best these capsules are able to slowly release the cannabinoids into your system and are expected to last 12 hours at a time.

This is truly a breakthrough for people who need constant relief – such as patients suffering from pain such as that from arthritis or fibromyalgia. These capsules will be able to provide them the relief they need over an extended period of time without the need to smoke, vape or munch every 2-5 hours for continued effects.

By creating a slow-release capsule Wana has single-handedly come up with a solution that may have taken much longer if left to medical research labs. The company has a long standing reputation of five years in Colorado – the first of many infused edible companies to come around.

It is the passion that Wana has for their customers that has driven them to create such a unique and needed form of consumption.

From day one Wana has been providing high quality and as consistent of a product as possible, always. They even go so far as to not only be sure your edibles are not only potent, but tasty as well, they truly go above and beyond for their patients and customers.

There are bound to be many others who follow the trend that Wana is bound to start – however the trusted reputation the company has generated over the last five years are sure to keep them in the spotlight on this creation – which is right where they belong after creating this perfect solution to the many uncertainties of how to properly administer medical marijuana.


  1. Please let us know when the sativa time released capsules will be available in MA. We are retired teachers, nurses, and engineers. Some have a medical license through the dept of public health. I’ve done some research on this company and wish their products were sold in MA. This is taking too long.