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Pennsylvania Starts Grant Program to Aid the Hemp Industry, Oklahoma Officials Increasing Efforts to Eradicate Illegal Grows, and Colorado Cannabis Sales See Further Decline


Pennsylvania Starts Grant Program to Aid the Hemp Industry

The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture announced the start of a program to help the state’s hemp industry. The department announced that they will provide up to $200,000 in matched funding to nonprofit organizations that work on hemp marketing campaigns to increase consumer awareness or sales. To qualify, nonprofits need to apply by December 2. The organization must have begun work on the hemp marketing initiative on or after July 1 and spent at least $1,000 on the campaign. 

Oklahoma Officials Increasing Efforts to Eradicate Illegal Grows

The Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics (OBN) is increasing its operations to eliminate illegal grows throughout the state. The bureau said it spent the last several weeks serving nearly a dozen search warrants. The OBN has seized 79,157 cannabis plants and 3,000 pounds of processed marijuana as a result of the searches. It has also arrested 20 individuals in connection with the illegal grow operations. Those arrested face multiple charges, including unlawful cultivation and drug trafficking. A spokesperson for the bureau said the most recent investigations and seizures represent the efforts to ramp up the eradication of unlicensed and illegal cultivation operations within the state’s medical cannabis program.

Colorado Cannabis Sales See Further Decline

The Colorado Department of Revenue figures show that cannabis sales for August reached only $150.4 million. This figure is a 2.2 percent decrease from July, and is the eighth monthly report showing state cannabis sales remaining flat or decreasing. Retailers in the state believe the decline may be due to Colorado seeing fewer cannabis tourists as more states legalize the plant. Many also feel a recently imposed purchase limit may be to blame. The report from the Department of Revenue also signified cannabis market rates declined substantially.